

单词 reckless
例句 recklessadjective

having or showing a lack of concern for the consequences of one's actionsthe reckless skiers were making everyone nervous by schussing down the mountainside at lightning speed

daredevil, devil-may-care, foolhardy, harum-scarum, hell-for-leather, irresponsible, kamikaze

adventurous, audacious, bold, daring, venturesomehasty, headlong, hotheaded, impetuous, precipitate, rash, wildblithe, carefree, happy-go-lucky, madcap, slaphappynonchalant, unconcerned, unworriedcareless, freewheeling, heedless, inattentive, incautious, mindless, regardless, unheeding, unmindfulfeckless, inconsiderate, thoughtless, unthinking


careful, cautious, circumspect, heedfulovercareful, overcautious, timid

foolishly adventurous or boldthe calamitous accident was caused by a reckless driver who cut off the semitrailer

audacious, brash, daredevil, foolhardy, madcap, overbold, overconfident, temerarious

adventuresome, adventurous, bold, daring, venturesome, venturousbrave, courageous, dauntless, doughty, fearless, gallant, greathearted, gutsy, hardy, heroic(also heroical), intrepid, lionhearted, manful, stalwart, stout, stouthearted, undauntable, undaunted, valiant, valoroushotheadedimpetuous, imprudent, impulsive, incautious, rashbrainless, foolish, harebrained, scatterbrainedcareless, heedless, thoughtlesshasty, headlong, precipitate

careful, cautious, circumspect, guarded, heedful, prudent, safe, wary

unadventurous, unambitiousfainthearted, fearful, mousy(or mousey), scary, shy, skittish, timid, timorouscalm, cool, levelheaded, sensiblealert, intelligent, quick-witted, sharpchicken, chickenhearted, cowardly, craven, dastardly, lily-livered, pusillanimous, recreant, spineless, unheroic, yellow

adventurous, venturesome, daring, daredevil, rash, reckless, foolhardy mean exposing oneself to danger more than required by good sense.adventurous implies a willingness to accept risks but not necessarily imprudence.adventurous pioneersventuresome implies a jaunty eagerness for perilous undertakings.venturesome stunt pilotsdaring implies fearlessness in courting danger.daring mountain climbersdaredevil stresses ostentation in daring.daredevil motorcyclistsrash suggests imprudence and lack of forethought.a rash decisionreckless implies heedlessness of probable consequences.a reckless driverfoolhardy suggests a recklessness that is inconsistent with good sense.the foolhardy sailor ventured into the storm

before the 12th century





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