例句 |
recognizesverbpresent tense third-person singular of recognize to have a clear idea offinally recognized that we were hopelessly lost appreciates, apprehends, assimilates, beholds, catches, catches on (to), cognizes, compasses, comprehends, conceives, cottons (to or on to), deciphers, decodes, digs, discerns, gets, grasps, groks, intuits, knows, makes, makes out, perceives, registers, savvies, sees, seizes, senses, tumbles (to), twigs, understands absorbs, digests, takes inrealizesfathoms, penetrates, pierces picks up on misses misapprehends, misconceives, misconstrues, misinterprets, misperceives, misreads, mistakes, misunderstands to show appreciation, respect, or affection for (someone) with a public celebrationan awards banquet to recognize local heroes fetes(or fêtes), honors acknowledges, cites, commends, compliments, credits, thanksextols(also extolls), glorifies, lauds, praises, toutsacclaims, applauds, cheers, hails, laureates, salutescelebrates, commemorates, memorializes, observescongratulates, felicitates discredits, disgraces, dishonors, humbles, humiliates, shamesbad-mouths, defames, libels, maligns, slandersboos, hisses, hoots, jeerscensures, condemns, damns, denounces, reprobatesmocks, puts down, ridicules, slights |