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recordnoun a relating of events usually in the order in which they happenedthe town paper published a record of the debate, as well as a synopsis of each candidate's stance on the major questions account, chronicle, chronology, commentary(usually commentaries), history, narration, narrative, report, story versiondeposition, documentation, testament, testimonial, testimony, witnessannals, blog, diary, journal, log, logbook, memoirminutes, procès-verbalanecdote, tale, yarnepic, sagagest(or geste), romancerecital, recitationcase history, case study an account of important events in the order in which they happenedhistorical records on the rise of the Roman Empire are plentiful annals, chronicle, history blog, commentary, diary, journal, memoir, reminiscence(s)autobiography, biography, lifeepic, legend, narrative, saga, story, talearchives, documentation, log, register, reportchronology, genealogy recordverbto make a written note ofthe reporter recorded the events of the evening in her notebook for later reference jot (down), log, mark, note, put down, register, report, set down, take down, write down chronicle, minute, transcribeenregister, enter, inscribechalk (up), notch, score to put (someone or something) on a listhe was recorded as having been a passenger on that ill-fated ship, but his body was never recovered catalog(or catalogue), enroll(also enrol), enter, index, inscribe, list, put down, register, schedule, slate book, card, file, noteclassify, compile, tabulate, tallyreschedule delete in the 14th century |