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dueadjective having reached the date at which payment is requiredthe loan is due next April mature delinquent, outstanding, overdue, owed, owing, receivable, unpaid, unsettledpayable undue cleared, liquidated, paid (off or up), repaid, settledprepaid being in accordance with the prescribed, normal, or logical course of eventstheir train is due to arrive in half an hour anticipated, awaited, expected, scheduled, slated behind, behindhand, belated, delinquent, dilatory, late, latish, overdue, tardyearly, premature, untimelyunanticipated, unforeseen, unlooked-for being what is called for by accepted standards of right and wrongall the participants in the trial are required to treat the judge with due respect competent, condign, deserved, fair, just, justified, merited, right, rightful, warranted applicable, appropriate, apt, fit, fitting, meet, proper, requisite, suitablelawful, legal, legitimateaccurate, correct, truerhadamanthine, strict, stringent, uncompromisingequitable, impartial, square undeserved, undue, unfair, unjust, unjustified, unmerited, unwarranted incoherent, incorrect, irrelative, irrelevantimproper, inapplicable, inapposite, inappropriate, inapt, indefensible, unjustifiable, unreasonable, unsuitablebiased, inequitable, partial, unequalarbitrary, despoticillegitimate, unlawful dueadverbas stated or indicated without the slightest differencethe island lies due south of the headland exactly, full, just, precisely, right, sharp, smack-dab, squarely on the button, on the nose in a direct line or coursea plane flying due east in the 14th century |