例句 |
dumpnoun a place where discarded materials (as trash) are dumpedall of the used packaging eventually ends up in the dump a place where military arms are storeda daring raid on the ammunition dump armory, arsenal, depot, magazine fort, fortress, strongholdrepository, storehouse, warehouse a dirty or messy placehis place is always a dump, so he almost never has people over hellhole, hole, pigpen, pigsty, shambles, sty chaos, confusion, disarrangement, disarray, disorder, disorganization, mess, muddle, musshavoc, hell, mare's nest, snake pitclutter, jumble, litter, mishmash, welter dumpverbto end a usually intimate relationship withall of her friends were surprised at how she just dumped him blow off, break off (with), ditch, jilt, kiss off, leave brush (aside or off), cold-shoulder, cut, high-hat, slight, snubabandon, desert, forsake, maroon, quit kiss good-bye hook up (with), takebefriend, latch (on or onto) to get rid of as useless or unwanteddump the trash on the curb and go back inside cashier, cast (off), chuck, deep-six, discard, ditch, eighty-six(or 86), exorcise(also exorcize), fling (off or away), jettison, junk, lay by, lose, pitch, reject, scrap, shed, shuck (off), slough (off)also sluff (off), throw away, throw out, toss, unload abandon, abdicate, desert, forsakedismiss, kick outabolish, annihilate, eliminate, eradicate, expunge, exterminate, extinguish, extirpate, liquidate, remove, root (out), stamp (out), wipe out dispose of, set aside adopt, embrace, take onemploy, use, utilizehold, hold back, keep, retain in 1784 |