例句 |
dutiesnounpl. of duty a charge usually of money collected by the government from people or businesses for public usethe shop at the airport charges no duty on tourist memorabilia assessments, impositions, imposts, levies, taxes direct taxes, personal taxescapitations, customs, excises, hidden taxes, income taxes, poll taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, single taxes, sin taxes, tariffs, tolls, tributes, value-added taxes, withholding taxessupertaxes, surcharges, surtaxesdeath taxes, estate taxes, inheritance taxesflat taxes, proportional taxes a piece of work that needs to be done regularlythe regular duties of a lifeguard assignments, chores, jobs, tasks chares(or chars)endeavors, enterprises, projects, stints, undertakingscare, charges, commissions, responsibilitiesfunctions, missions, offices, operations, postserrandscircuits, rounds, routes something one must do because of prior agreementI must obey the call of duty and serve my country burdens, charges, commitments, devoirs, dos(or do's, archaic), imperatives, incumbencies, needs, obligations, offices, responsibilities oaths, pledges, promises, troths, vows, wordsarrangements, prearrangements(or pre-arrangements), setupscompacts, contracts, covenants, pacts, trustsdebts, payments, tributescompulsions, constraints, restraintsmusts, requirementscoercions, duresses, forcesappointments, engagements, reservationsburdens, onuses graces, postponements, staysdischarges, eases, exemptions, releases, reliefs, waiversloopholesalternatives, choices, options, picks, preferences, selections |