例句 |
libertiesnounpl. of liberty the power, right, or opportunity to choosehe doesn't want to go to the sales conference, but he doesn't have that liberty alternatives, choices, discretions, druthers(dialect), elections, options, picks, preferences, selections, volitions, ways determinations, free wills, willssays, voices, votesinclinations, likings, partialities, penchants, predilections, proclivities, propensities, tendenciesdiscernments, judgments(or judgements), perspicacities coercions, duresses, forcesduties, obligationsHobson's choices the state of being free from the control or power of anotherthe hope that the country's first-ever elections will usher in a new era of liberty and respect for the rule of law autonomies, freedoms, independences, independencies, sovereignties(also sovranties) emancipations, enfranchisements, liberations, manumissions, releases dependences(also dependances), heteronomies, subjections, unfreedoms captivities, enchainments, enslavements, immurements, imprisonments, incarcerations, internments, subjugations |