例句 |
lights intophrasepresent tense third-person singular of light into to criticize harshly and usually publiclyShe lit into the intern for deleting an important file. abuses, assails, attacks, bashes, belabors, blasts, castigates, excoriates, jumps (on), lambastes(or lambasts), potshots, savages, scathes, slams, trashes, vituperates berates, harangues, harasses, harries, reviles, scolds, whipsblasphemes, curses, execrates, imprecates, profanesaffronts, insults, slursasperses, bad-mouths, belittles, blackguards, disparages, puts downlibels, slanders, traduces, vilifieschastises, chides, criticizes, laces (into), rebukes, reprimandsfulminates, lashes (out) beats up on, sails into, ties into acclaims, commends, compliments, hails, lauds, praises to start work on energeticallyWe lit into the new project right away. attacks, dives (into), tackles, wades (in or into) addresses, approaches, facesbuckles (down to), concentrates (on), focuses (on)(or focusses (on)), knuckles down (to), zeroes (in on)falls (to), pitches in, plunges (in), settles (down)pursues, takes up, undertakes goes at, has at, pitches into, sails into, tears into avoids, evades, shunsdallies, dawdles, dillydallies, fiddles (around), fools, idles, lags, messes, monkeys (around), plays, pokes, potters (around), putters (around), trifles to take sudden, violent action againstHe lit into the punching bag as though it were his worst enemy. assails, assaults, attacks, besets, bushwhacks, charges, descends (on or upon), goes in (on), jumps (on), pounces (on or upon), raids, rushes, sets on, sics(also sicks), storms, strikes, trashes, turns (on) bum-rushes, gangs up (on), mobs, swarmsmugs, robsambuscades, ambushes, surprises(also surprizes), waylaysblitzes, bombards, bombs, nukesbarrages, cannonades, cannonsbangs away (at), batters, buffets, plastersbeleaguers, besieges, pressesharries, loots, pillages, plunders, ravages, sacksforays, invades, overrunsenvelops, flanks beats up on, flies at, goes at, pitches into, rounds on, sets at, sets upon, tears into covers, defends, guards, protects, secures, shields |