例句 |
easilyadverb without difficultya skater who easily executes even the most difficult jumps easy, effortlessly, facilely, fluently, freely, handily, hands down, lightly, painlessly, readily, smoothly, well ably, adeptly, adroitly, competently, deftly, dexterously, efficiently, expertly, masterfully, proficiently, skillfullyinstinctively, intuitively, naturally, spontaneously in a breeze, no sweat(slang), without ado, without a hitch arduously, hardly, laboriously, strenuously awkwardly, clumsily, gracelessly, ham-handedly, ineptly, maladroitly, unskillfullymeticulously, painfully, painstakingly, thoroughlyassiduously, diligently, indefatigably, industriously, intensely, intently, mightily, sedulously, tirelessly without any questionwe easily have enough people to get the project under way all right, alright, assuredly, certainly, clearly, definitely, doubtless, forsooth, hands down, inarguably, incontestably, incontrovertibly, indeed, indisputably, plainly, really, so, sure, surely, truly, unarguably, undeniably, undoubtedly, unquestionably conceivably, likely, perhaps, possibly, probablyobviously, unmistakably by all means, by all odds, damn well, for certain, for sure in the 13th century |