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tenebrificadjective being without light or without much lighta man unexpectedly emerged from the tenebrific shadows of the cave black, caliginous, dark, darkened, darkish, darkling, darksome, dim, dimmed, dusk, dusky, gloomy, lightless, murky, obscure, obscured, pitch-black, pitch-dark, pitchy, rayless, somber(or sombre), stygian, tenebrous, unlit crepuscular, twilitmoonless, starless, sunlesscloudy, dull, dulled, lacklustershadowlike, shadowy, shadygray(also grey), leaden, palebeclouded, befogged, clouded, foggy, fuliginous, misty, smoggy, soupy bright, brightened, brilliant, illuminated, illumined, light, lit(or lighted), lightsome, lucent, lucid, luminous ablaze, agleam, aglitter, alight, beaming, beamy, effulgent, glaring, glowing, incandescent, lambent, radiant, relucent, resplendent, shining, sparklingultrabrightglossy, lustrous, shinyfloodlit(also floodlighted), highlighted, spotlighted(or spotlit)moonlit, moony, starlit, sunlit causing or marked by an atmosphere lacking in cheersoldiers who had lived for months in the tenebrific trenches that stretched along the western front black, bleak, cheerless, chill, Cimmerian, cloudy, cold, comfortless, dark, darkening, depressing, depressive, desolate, dire, disconsolate, dismal, drear, dreary, dreich(chiefly Scottish), elegiac(also elegiacal), forlorn, funereal, gloomy, glum, godforsaken, gray(also grey), lonely, lonesome, lugubrious, miserable, morbid, morose, murky, plutonian, saturnine, sepulchral, solemn, somber(or sombre), sullen, sunless, tenebrous, wretched blue, dejected, depressed, despondent, down, droopy, hangdog, inconsolable, low, melancholic, melancholy, mirthless, sad, unhappy, woebegone, woefuldim, discomfiting, discouraging, disheartening, dismaying, dispiriting, distressful, distressing, upsettingdesperate, hopeless, pessimisticlamentable, mournful, plaintive, sorrowfulcolorless, drab, dulldour, grim, lowering(also louring), lowery(also loury), menacing, negative, oppressive, threatening bright, cheerful, cheering, cheery, comforting, cordial, festive, friendly, gay, heartwarming, sunshiny blithe, blithesome, buoyant, gay, jocund, jolly, joyful, joyous, merry, mirthfulencouraging, hopeful, optimisticlighthearted, lightsome in 1785 |