例句 |
trucknoun a giving or taking of one thing of value in return for anotherin medieval Europe, furs and forest products from the north were sold in truck for luxury products from the south back-and-forth, barter, commutation, dicker, exchange, quid pro quo, swap, trade, trade-off replacement, substitutionreciprocation, recompense, requitalbargain, deal, horse trade, negotiation, transactionbargaining, dealing, dickering, haggling, horse tradinglogrolling discarded or useless materialfilled a dozen large garbage bags with all the truck we collected when we cleaned the place out chaff, deadwood, debris, dreck(also drek), dross, dust, effluvium(also effluvia), garbage, junk, litter, offal, offscouring, raffle, refuse, riffraff, rubbish, scrap, spilth, trash, waste crud, sewage, slop, swill, washdetritus, remains, rubble, ruinsdump, scrap heaplumber, odds and ends, trumperyflotsam, jetsam, wreckagecastoff, cull, discard, hand-me-down, reject, throwawaynothing, straw, two bits catch, gem, goody(or goodie), jewel, pearl, plum, prize, treasure, treasure trove, trove, valuablebooty, find, salvage in the 13th century |