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redressnoun payment to another for a loss or injurythe new skis were certainly an adequate redress for the lost snowboard compensation, damages, indemnification, indemnity, quittance, recompense, recoupment, remuneration, reparation, reprisal(s), requital, restitution, satisfaction punitive damages, solatiumamends, atonement, expiationrefund, reimbursement, repaymentadjustment, settlementpunishment, retaliation redressverbto punish in kind the wrongdoer responsible forthe belief that redressing a murder with another murder, even if carried out by the state, is not morally justified avenge, requite, retaliate, revenge, venge(archaic) castigate, fix, get, penalize, punish, scourgechasten, chastise, correct, disciplinerightcompensate, pay (back), recompense, repay get even (for) absolve, condone, excuse, forgive, pardon, remit v.correct, rectify, emend, remedy, redress, amend, reform, revise mean to make right what is wrong.correct implies taking action to remove errors, faults, deviations, defects.correct your spelling rectify implies a more essential changing to make something right, just, or properly controlled or directed.rectify a misguided policy emend specifically implies correction of a text or manuscript.emend a text remedy implies removing or making harmless a cause of trouble, harm, or evil.set out to remedy the evils of the world redress implies making compensation or reparation for an unfairness, injustice, or imbalance.redress past social injustices amend, reform, revise imply an improving by making corrective changes, amend usually suggesting slight changesamend a law , reform implying drastic changeplans to reform the court system , and revise suggesting a careful examination of something and the making of necessary changes.revise the schedule in the 14th century |