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thesesnounpl. of thesis an idea or opinion that is put forth in a discussion or debateput forth the thesis that the electronic media's coverage of politics trivializes the workings of our democracy arguments, assertions, contentions conjectures, guesses, hunches, hypotheses, speculations, surmises, theoriesproposals, propositionsassumptions, presuppositions, suppositionspositions, standscases, explanations, rationales, reasons an idea that is the starting point for making a case or conducting an investigationit is not clear how the arguments you make actually support your thesis hypotheses, propositions, suppositions, theories assumptions, concessions, premises(also premisses), presumptions, presuppositions, theoremsconjectures, generalizations, guesses, guesswork, inferences, speculations, surmisesproffers, proposals, suggestionsfeelings, hunches, impressions, inklings, notions, suspicionsabstractions, conceptions, concepts, constructs assurances, certainties, facts, knowledges |