例句 |
limitsnounpl. of limit a real or imaginary point beyond which a person or thing cannot gothere was no limit to the number of challenges they faced boundaries, bounds, caps, ceilings, confines, ends, extents, limitations, lines, terminations extremities, fag ends, termini(or terminuses)borders, brims, edges, margins, rims, vergesoutsidesbarriers, bars, fences, hedges, restraints, stops, walls the most extreme or advanced pointthose bratty kids have pushed my patience to the limit depths, extremities, heights consummations, epitomes, quintessences, ultimates limitsverbpresent tense third-person singular of limitto set bounds or an upper limit forlimit the note to a few words caps, circumscribes, confines, holds down, restricts bars, blocks, hampers, hinders, impedes, obstructsconstricts, contracts, lessens, narrows, pinches, squeezes, tightensquells, represses, suppressesnumbersmodifies, qualifies exceeds broadens, expands, widensoverextends, overreaches to mark the limits ofadjectives limit the meanings of nouns bounds, circumscribes, defines, delimits, demarcates, demarks, marks (off), terminates controls, determines, governsdelineates, describes |