例句 |
lineagesnounpl. of lineage the line of ancestors from whom a person is descendedhis Italian lineage was very important to him ancestries, births, blood, bloodlines, breedings, descents, extractions, family trees, genealogies, lines, origins, parentages, pedigrees, stocks, strains heredities, successionsfamilies, houseskindreds, kins, relations, relativesraces issues, posterities, progenies, seed(or seeds) offspring(also offsprings)children, heirs, inheritors, sons, successors a group of persons who come from the same ancestorit is now generally accepted that the lineage of Thomas Jefferson includes black as well as white members blood, clans, families, folks, houses, kindreds, kinfolks, kins, kinsfolk, lines, people, races, stocks, tribes blended families, nuclear familiesextended families, households, kithsbroodsdescendants(also descendents), issues, offspring(also offsprings), progenies, scions, seed(or seeds)clansmen, kinsmen, kinswomen, relativesdynasties ancestries, births, descents, extractions, origins, pedigrees |