例句 |
lingonoun the stock of words, pronunciation, and grammar used by a people as their basic means of communicationmedical missionaries struggling to learn the lingo of the African tribe that they were treating language, mother tongue, speech, tongue, vocabulary acrolectargot, cant, colloquial, dialect, idiolect, idiom, jargon, parlance, patois, patter, pidgin, slang, slanguage, vernacularcolloquialism, localism, provincialism, regionalism, shibboleth, vernacularismterminologycoinage, modernism, neologism the special terms or expressions of a particular group or fieldthe shorthand medical lingo that the hospital staffers use with one another argot, cant, dialect, jargon, jive, language, patois, patter, shop, shoptalk, slang, terminology, vocabulary colloquial, colloquialism, idiom, localism, parlance, pidgin, provincialism, regionalism, speech, vernacular, vernacularismslanguagebureaucratese, computerese, cyberspeak, educationese, governmentese, journalese, technobabble in 1659 |