例句 |
liquorsnounpl. of liquor a distilled beverage that can make a person drunkyou can't order liquor in a bar until you're 21 years old alcohols, aqua vitaes, ardent spirits, boozes, bottles, drinks, firewaters, grogs, hooches(slang), inebriants, intoxicants, John Barleycorns, juices(slang), lushes(slang), moonshines, potables, rums, sauces(slang), spirits, stimulants, strong drinks, tipples aperitifs, bracers, chasers, digestifs, nightcapsbelts, loads, nips, pegs(British), pops, shooters, shots, slugs, snifters, snorts, tots, whetscocktails, mixed drinksales, beers, brewages, brews, brewskis(slang), home brews, malt liquors, microbrews, mums, nappies(chiefly Scottish)meads, sakes(or sakis), winesbarley-brees(also barley-broos, chiefly Scottish), brandies, gins, liqueurs, mao-tais, mescals, schnapps, tequilas, vodkas, whiskeys(or whiskies)Dutch courages nonintoxicants |