例句 |
effortlesslyadverb without difficultythe pizza worker flung the round of dough into the air and effortlessly caught it easily, easy, facilely, fluently, freely, handily, hands down, lightly, painlessly, readily, smoothly, well ably, adeptly, adroitly, competently, deftly, dexterously, efficiently, expertly, masterfully, proficiently, skillfullyinstinctively, intuitively, naturally, spontaneously in a breeze, no sweat(slang), without ado, without a hitch arduously, hardly, laboriously, strenuously awkwardly, clumsily, gracelessly, ham-handedly, ineptly, maladroitly, unskillfullymeticulously, painfully, painstakingly, thoroughlyassiduously, diligently, indefatigably, industriously, intensely, intently, mightily, sedulously, tirelessly |