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lividadjective feeling or showing angerthe boss was livid when yet another deadline was missed angered, angry, apoplectic, ballistic, cheesed off(chiefly British), choleric, enraged, foaming, fuming, furious, hopping, horn-mad, hot, incensed, indignant, inflamed(also enflamed), infuriate, infuriated, irate, ireful, mad, outraged, rabid, rankled, riled, riley, roiled, shirty(chiefly British), sore, steamed up, steaming, teed off, ticked, wrathful, wroth ranting, raving, stormyboiling, bristling, bristly, burning, cross, huffy, passionate, seething, sizzling, smoldering(or smouldering), worked up, wrought (up)acrid, acrimonious, antagonistic, antipathetic, bitter, embittered, inimical, malevolent, piqued, rancorous, resentful, spiteful, vengeful, vindictive, virulent, vitriolicantisocial, cold, cool, disagreeable, disapproving, distant, frigid, icy, ill-tempered, sorehead(or soreheaded), sulky, unfriendly, unpleasantaggravated, annoyed, bearish, bilious, cantankerous, churlish, crabby, cranky, dyspeptic, exasperated, fretful, fussy, grouchy, grumpy, ill-humored, inflammable, irascible, irritable, peevish, perturbed, petulant, put out, quick-tempered, snappish, testy, touchyargumentative, belligerent, contentious, contrary, disputatious, ornery, pugnacious, quarrelsome, querulous bent out of shape, blue in the face, fit to be tied, going crook(Australian & New Zealand), hopping mad, hot under the collar, in a fume, in a huff, in a pet angerless, delighted, pleased accepting, accommodating, obligingagreeable, amenable, complaisantamicable, cordial, friendlycontent, happy, satisfiedempathetic, sympathetic, tolerant, understandingcalm, pacific, peaceable, placid, serene, tranquil, unembitteredaffable, amiable, easygoing, genial, good-natured, good-tempered, kind, pleasant, sweet lacking a healthy skin colorher face was livid with fear ashen, ashy, blanched, cadaverous, doughy, lurid, mealy, pale, paled, pallid, pasty, peaked, wan sallow, sallowish, sick, sickly, waxen, waxywhite, whitenedanemic, bloodlessuntannedwhey-faced, white-faced blooming, florid, flush, full-blooded, glowing, red, rosy, rubicund, ruddy, sanguine blushing, flushed, pink in the 15th century |