例句 |
accessoriesnounalso accessariespl. of accessory something that is not necessary in itself but adds to the convenience or performance of the main piece of equipmentbought a new car with lots of high-tech accessories accoutrements(or accouterments), adapters(also adaptors), add-ons, adjuncts, appendages, appliances, attachments, options accompaniments, additives, complements, supplementsauxiliaries, subsidiariesamenities, doodads, embroideries, extras, fillers, frills, incidentals, luxuries, nonessentials, nonnecessitiesappurtenances, bells and whistles, equipments, furnishings, habiliments, paraphernalia, trappingsadornments, decorations, embellishments, enhancements, garnishes, ornaments, trimmings, trims essentials, necessities, requirements, requisites one associated with another in wrongdoingtwo accessories, the driver of the getaway car and the dishonest bank teller, were charged in the robbery case abettors(also abetters), accomplices, cohorts, confederates collaborationists, collaborators, informants, informersevidences, state's evidencescompanions, comrades, cronies, henchmen, partnersconspirators, plotters, traitorsgangsters, mobsters, racketeers |