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accidentaladjective happening by chancefinding the gold was all the more remarkable because its discovery was entirely accidental casual, chance, fluky(also flukey), fortuitous, inadvertent, incidental, unintended, unintentional, unplanned, unpremeditated, unwitting coincidentalfreak, oddaimless, arbitrary, desultory, haphazard, randomuncertain, unexpected, unforeseeable, unforeseencoerced, forced, involuntaryunconscious, unprompted calculated, deliberate, intended, intentional, planned, premeditated, premeditative, prepense, set certain, destined, expected, fixed, foreordained, foreseeable, foreseen, inevitable, predestined, predetermined, predictable, preordained, prescribed, sureconscious, freewill, knowing, unforced, voluntary, volunteer, willful(or wilful) not being a vital part of or belonging to somethingwe're considering the painting's merit as a work of art, its commercial value being entirely accidental as far as we're concerned adventitious, alien, external, extraneous, extrinsic, foreign, supervenient exterior, outsideimmaterial, inapplicable, insignificant, irrelevantnonessential, unessential, unnecessary inherent, innate, intrinsic congenital, deep-seated, inborn, inbredinside, interior, internalbasic, essential, necessary accidental, fortuitous, casual, contingent mean not amenable to planning or prediction.accidental stresses chance.any resemblance to actual persons is entirely accidental fortuitous so strongly suggests chance that it often connotes entire absence of cause.a series of fortuitous events casual stresses lack of real or apparent premeditation or intent.a casual encounter with a stranger contingent suggests possibility of happening but stresses uncertainty and dependence on other future events for existence or occurrence.the contingent effects of the proposed law in the 14th century |