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acclaimnoun public acknowledgment or admiration for an achievementmany people were involved in the search, but the person who actually found the missing girl got all the acclaim accolade, applause, bay(s), credit, distinction, glory, homage, honor, kudos, laud, laurels, props(slang), réclame, sun celebrity, fame, renown, reputecompliment, encomium, eulogy, panegyric, toast, tributeacclamation, ovation, plaudit, praise, rave, rhapsodycitation, commendation, kudo, note, recommendationelevation, enshrinement, enthronement, exaltation, glorification acclaimverbto declare enthusiastic approval ofshe has long been acclaimed by the critics for her realistic acting accredit, applaud, cheer, crack up, hail, laud, praise, salute, tout bravo, clap, rise (to)ballyhooapprove, commend, endorse(also indorse), favor, recommend, root (for), supportcelebrate, emblazon, eulogize, extol(also extoll), glorify, magnify, singadulate, belaud, flatter, overpraisedeify, idolize doff one's hat to(or doff one's cap to) knock, pan, slam belittle, discommend, disparage, put downblame, censure, reprehend, reprobateadmonish, chide, criticize, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, reprovecastigate, excoriate, keelhaul, lambaste(or lambast), skewer, slag(chiefly British), vilify in 1626 |