例句 |
accommodationnoun usually accommodations pl.a place to sleep and related amenities for the temporary use of a tourist or travelera resort offering a wide range of accommodations lodging, lodgment(or lodgement) berth, sheltercrash pad the act or practice of each side giving up something in order to reach an agreementthe twins each made an accommodation: Jane agreed to Joan's pink curtains and Joan agreed to Jane's purple rug compromise, concession, give-and-take, negotiation haggle, horse tradeaccord, arrangement, bargain, concurrence, consensus, deal, understandingagreement, settlementmediation, treaty something that adds to one's ease of livinga village that wants to attract tourists but doesn't even provide public accommodations for their sanitary needs amenity, comfort, convenience, creature comfort, luxury, mod con(chiefly British), nicety bonus, extrabenefit, help, serviceanodyne, solacedelight, indulgence, joy, pleasure burden, millstone, weight the act or process of changing something to fit a new use or situationan accommodation to changing economic conditions will be necessary if the church is to remain open acclimation, acclimatization, adaptation, adaption, adjustment, conformation readaptation, readjustmentattunement, correction, harmonizationalteration, conversion, makeover, modification, refit, revision, transformation maladaptation in 1603 |