例句 |
accoutrementnounor accouterment something that is not necessary in itself but adds to the convenience or performance of the main piece of equipmentthis vacuum cleaner has all of the accoutrements for cleaning furniture as well as floors accessory(also accessary), adapter(also adaptor), add-on, adjunct, appendage, appliance, attachment, option accompaniment, additive, complement, supplementauxiliary, subsidiaryamenity, doodad, embroidery, extra, filler, frill, incidental, luxury, nonessential, nonnecessityappurtenances, bells and whistles, equipment, furnishings, habiliment(s), paraphernalia, trappingsadornment, decoration, embellishment, enhancement, garnish, ornament, trim, trimming essential, necessity, requirement, requisite accoutrements or accoutermentspl.items needed for the performance of a task or activityhas all the accoutrements that the home pastry chef could ever want apparatus, equipment, gear, hardware, kit(chiefly British), material(s), matériel(or materiel), outfit, paraphernalia, stuff, tackle accessories, appurtenances, attachments, fittingsbaggage, belongings, impedimentaappliances, facilities, instruments, machinery, toolsapparel, attire, habiliments, raiment, trappingsarmamentarium, armory, arsenal, batteryassets, resources ca. 1550 |