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refinementnoun an instance of notable progress in the development of knowledge, technology, or skillthe recent refinements in this area of medical technology advance, advancement, breakthrough, enhancement, improvement quantum leapamelioration, boost, heightening, increase, melioration, strengthening, upgrade, uplift, upswing, uptrend, upturnbetterment, development, elaboration, evolution, expansion, gestation, growth, maturation, perfection, ripeningcivilization, edification, education, enlightenmentrenaissance, renascence, revivaldiscovery, find, windfallinnovation, invention setback breakdown, collapse, crashhindrance, impediment, stumbling blockdecadence, decay, declension, decline, decrease, degeneration, descent, deterioration, diminishment, downgrade, ebbing, failing, flagging, languishment, lapse, lessening, reduction, sinking, slowing, weakening, worseningdetriment, disablement, drawback, glitch, impairment, shortcoming a high level of taste and enlightenment as a result of extensive intellectual training and exposure to the artshad a sense of refinement that her small hometown couldn't satisfy, so she moved to New York City to be closer to great museums and concert halls accomplishment, civilization, couth, cultivation, culture, polish education, erudition, intellectualism, intellectuality, knowledge, learning, literacy, scholarshipcosmopolitanism, sophistication, urbanitybreeding, genteelness, gentility, mannersclass, elegance, grace, tastecivility, courteousness, courtesy, politeness barbarianism, barbarism, philistinism ignorance, illiteracyparochialism, provincialism, rusticity, unsophisticationboorishness, churlishness, clownishness, coarseness, crudeness, vulgarity dignified or restrained beauty of form, appearance, or stylealthough she can afford all the jewelry that money can buy, she dresses with the gentle refinement that only taste can bestow class, classiness, courtliness, elegance, elegancy, fineness, grace, gracefulness, handsomeness, majesty, stateliness augustness, brilliance, gloriousness, glory, grandeur, grandness, lavishness, luxuriance, luxuriousness, luxury, magnificence, nobility, nobleness, opulence, ornateness, plushiness, plushness, resplendence, resplendency, richness, splendor, sumptuousnessartfulness, chic, polish, sophistication, taste, tastefulnesschoiceness, classicism, dignity, exquisiteness, restraint, simplicityaffectedness, grandiosity, ostentation, ostentatiousness, pretentiousness, showiness gracelessness, inelegance coarseness, crudeness, flamboyance, flashiness, garishness, gaudiness, glitz, grotesqueness, grotesquerie(also grotesquery), kitsch, tastelessness, tawdriness, vulgarity ca. 1611 |