例句 |
regulateverb to keep from exceeding a desirable degree or level (as of expression)you would be well advised to regulate your enthusiasm for the venture and pause to consider the risk involved bridle, check, constrain, contain, control, curb, govern, hold, inhibit, keep, measure, pull in, rein (in), restrain, rule, tame bottle (up), choke (back), hold back, mince, muffle, pocket, repress, sink, smother, squelch, stifle, strangle, suppress, swallowarrest, interrupt, stopblock, hamper, handcuff, hinder, impede, obstructgag, muzzle, silence lose liberate, loose, loosen, unleashair, express, take out, vent to look after and make decisions aboutthe government agency that regulates the nuclear power industry in this country administer, administrate, carry on, conduct, control, direct, govern, guide, handle, keep, manage, operate, overlook, oversee, preside (over), run, steward, superintend, supervise, tend care (for), mind, watchlead, pilot, steerguard, protect, safeguardmicromanage, stage-managecodirect, comanage watch over in the 15th century |