例句 |
embellishesverbpresent tense third-person singular of embellish to add to the interest of by including made-up detailsthe story of the comic marriage proposal was embellished as it passed from one generation to the next in the family colors, elaborates (on), embroiders, exaggerates, hyperbolizes, magnifies, pads, stretches dresses up, gussies upamplifies, enhances, enlarges (on or upon), expands, fleshes (out)fudges, hedgesoverdoes, overdraws, overemphasizes, overplays, overstatesemphasizes, plays up, stressescaricaturessatirizes belittles, minimizes, plays down, understates to make more attractive by adding something that is beautiful or becomingthe walls of the French restaurant are embellished with scenes of Parisian life adorns, arrays, beautifies, bedecks, bedizens, blazons, caparisons, decks, decorates, does, does up, dolls up, drapes, dresses, emblazes, embosses, enriches, fancies up, fancifies, festoons, garnishes, glitzes (up), graces, gussies up, ornaments, pretties (up), trims accessorizes, dresses up, traps, tricks (out)brightens, freshens, smartens, spruces (up)bosses, chasesbraids, embroiders, feathers, figures, filigrees, fillets, flounces, frills, fringes, furbelows, garlands, hangs, laces, ribbons, swags, wreathesappliqués, gilds, paintsdiamonds, gems, impearls, jewels, pearlsredecorates, redoes blemishes, defaces, disfigures, mars, scars, spoils simplifies, streamlinesbares, denudes, dismantles, displays, divests, exposes, reveals, strips, uncoversuglifies |