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actuateverb to cause to functiona light actuated by a motion detector the alarm system actuates the door locks activate, crank (up), drive, move, run, set off, spark, start, touch off, trigger, turn on kick over, turn overcharge, electrify, energize, fire, fuel, generate, power, pushdischarge, launch, release, switch, tripreactivate, rechargearouse, excite, jump-start, kick-start, stimulate, vitalizeignite, incite, instigate, provoke, quicken, stir upaccelerate, catalyze, speed (up), step up cut, cut out, deactivate, kill, shut off, turn off arrest, brake, check, cut off, draw up, halt, jam, stall, stick, stopdecelerate, repress, slow, stunt, suppress to set or keep in motionhearing depends on sound vibrations that actuate the complex mechanism of that sensory organ, the ear drive, impel, move, propel, work activate, motivate, provokeabet, ferment, foment, incite, raise, stir (up), whip (up)set off, trigger, triparouse, excite, fire (up), galvanize, inflame(also enflame), inspire, instigate, rouse, stimulate bridle, check, constrain, contain, control, curb, inhibit, regulate, rein (in), restrain move, actuate, drive, impel mean to set or keep in motion.move is very general and implies no more than the fact of changing position.moved the furniture actuate stresses transmission of power so as to work or set in motion.turbines actuated by waterpower drive implies imparting forward and continuous motion and often stresses the effect rather than the impetus.a ship driven aground by hurricane winds impel is usually figurative and suggests a great motivating impetus.a candidate impelled by ambition in 1641 |