例句 |
locusnoun a thing or place that is of greatest importance to an activity or interestan area of the Southwest that has been the locus of a number of New Agey movements axis, base, capital, center, central, core, cynosure, epicenter, eye, focus, ground zero, heart, hub, mecca, navel, nerve center, nexus, nucleus, omphalos, seat headquartershappy hunting ground, hive, hotbed, hot spot, playground, playlandkernel, nub, pithdeep, thickessence, quintessence, soulattraction, lodestone(also loadstone), magnet, polestar where it's at the area or space occupied by or intended for somethingthe locus of brightness occurs where the rays of sunlight converge in front of the lens emplacement, locale, locality, location, place, point, position, site, spot, venue, where sceneprecinct, region, section, sectorhere, there in 1648 |