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lodgenoun a place that provides rooms and usually a public dining room for overnight guestswhen we go on our country vacation, we always stay at this little lodge in the middle of nowhere auberge, caravansary(or caravanserai), hospice, hostel, hostelry, hotel, inn, public house, tavern B and B, bed-and-breakfast, guesthouseapartment hotelaccommodations, lodgings, restcourt, motel, motor court, motor inn, motor lodge, resort, spa, tourist court, youth hostelcamp, campgroundbunkhouse, dorm, dormitoryboardinghouse, lodging house, rooming housedoss-house(chiefly British), fleabag, flophouse an often small house for recreational or seasonal useevery summer we rent a small fishing lodge by the lake the meeting place of an organizationthe Masons meet at the lodge every Thursday evening club, clubhouse den, hangout, haunt, hideaway, hideout, laircamp, headquartersconventicle, hall, house, meetinghouse the shelter or resting place of a wild animalthe family of beavers built a lodge near the narrow point of the river burrow, den, hole, house, lair nestterritory lodgeverbto provide with living quarters or shelterthe landlord can legally lodge up to 20 people in his apartment building at one time accommodate, bestow, billet, bivouac, board, bunk, camp, chamber, domicile, encamp, harbor, house, put up, quarter, roof, room, shelter, take in ensconce, home, roost, secure, shed, stable, tentbarrackbed (down) eject, evict to establish or place comfortably or snuglyour pet guinea pig lodged himself in the far corner of his cage and simply refused to come out ensconce, install, nestle, perch, roost, settle deploy, emplace, fix, locate, park, plant, position, set, situate, stationanchor, bivouac, camp, camp (out)burrow, curl up, dig inharbor, house to set solidly in or as if in surrounding matterthe gunman had managed to lodge a bullet in my back, just inches from my spine bed, embed(also imbed), enroot, entrench(also intrench), fix, impact, implant, ingrain(also engrain), root imbue, infuse, instillbeat (into), drive (into)establish, place, put, settle, stick dislodge, root (out), uproot eliminate, eradicateeject, expeldetach, disconnect, disengage, remove in the 13th century |