例句 |
ferineadjective having or showing the nature and appetites of a lower animalthe boxer's ferine ferocity in the ring is legendary animalistic, beastly, bestial, brutal, brute, brutish, feral, subhuman, swinish animal, bodily, carnal, corporal, corporeal, fleshly, physical, sensualbarbaric, barbarous, cruel, heartless, inhumane, sadistic, savage, vicious, wantoncoarse, crass, crude, gross, ill-bred, lowbred, rude, uncouth, uncultivated, uncultured, unrefined, vulgar chivalrous, elevated, gallant, great, greathearted, high, high-minded, lofty, lordly, magnanimous, noble, sublimeangelic(or angelical), spiritualbeneficent, benevolent, benignant, compassionate, good-hearted, kind, kindhearted, kindly, softhearted, tenderheartedcultivated, cultured, genteel, polished, refined, well-bred in 1640 |