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logicaladjective according to the rules of logicthe lawyer won the case with a logical argument about the motives of the suspect analytic(or analytical), coherent, consequent, good, rational, reasonable, sensible, sound, valid, well-founded, well-grounded a posteriori, a priori, syllogisticcognitive, empirical(also empiric)defendable, defensible, justifiable, maintainable, supportable, sustainable, tenable illegitimate, illogical, incoherent, inconsequent, inconsequential, invalid, irrational, unreasonable, unsound, weak casuistic(or casuistical), eristic(also eristical), fallacious, misleading, sophistic(or sophistical), speciousunarticulatedunscientificabsurd, cockeyed, crazy, daffy, fatuous, half-baked, half-witted, harebrained, insane, loony(also looney), mad, nonsensical, nutty, preposterous, simpleminded, stupid, weak-minded, witlesssenseless, thoughtlessuncompelling, unconvincing based on sound reasoning or informationthat's the logical choice under the circumstances commonsense, commonsensible, commonsensical, firm, good, hard, informed, just, justified, levelheaded, rational, reasonable, reasoned, sensible, sober, solid, valid, well-founded actual, real, truecertain, surecertified, validated, verifiedconfirmed, corroborated, substantiatedcogent, convincingcolorable, credible, plausible groundless, illogical, invalid, irrational, nonrational, nonsensical, nonvalid, unfounded, uninformed, unjustified, unreasonable, unreasoned, unsound unsubstantiated, unsupported, unwarrantedflimsy, implausible, unconvincing, weakfallacious, false, misguided, misled in the 15th century |