

单词 reigns
例句 reignsnounpl. of reign

controlling power or influence over othersa start-up threatening the company's reign over the computer chip market

ascendances(also ascendences), ascendancies(also ascendencies), dominances, dominations, dominions, hegemonies, imperiums, predominances, predominancies, preeminences, sovereignties(also sovranties), supremacies

primacies, superioritieslordships, sceptersarms, authorities, choke holds, clutches, commands, controls, grips, holds, masteries, swaystakeoversdirections, jurisdictions, managementsclouts, mights, pulls, weightseminences, importances, momentsprerogatives, privileges, rights

weaknessesimpotences, impotencies

the right or means to command or control othersa democratic nation that is governed by the reign of law and not by the whim of its chief executive

arms, authorities, clutches, commands, controls, death grips, dominions, grips, holds, masteries, powers, reins, sways

clouts, influences, leverages, pulls, voices, weightsjurisdictionsdirections, managementsdominances, imperiums, predominances, sovereignties(also sovranties), supremaciesprerogatives, privileges, rightseminences, importances, moments

impotences, impotencies






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