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reinnoun usually reins pl.the place of leadership or commandafter the president resigned, the vice president stepped in and took the reins of the company chair, driver's seat, head, headship, helm chieftainship, commandership, directorshipforefront, lead, vanguardcaptainship, chairmanship, deanship, dictatorship, generalship, governorship, kingship, mastership, mastery, premiership, presidency, presidentship, superintendencydominance, dominion, jurisdiction, sovereignty(also sovranty), sway, upper handeminence, height, pedestal, pinnacle, seat, throne, top ranks the act or practice of keeping something (as an activity) within certain boundariesthe oversight committee called on the state to keep a much tighter rein on the activities of its contractors usually reins pl.the right or means to command or control othersa peaceful transfer of the reins of government has always been a hallmark of our nation arm, authority, clutch, command, control, death grip, dominion, grip, hold, mastery, power, reign, sway clout, influence, leverage, pull, voice, weightjurisdictiondirection, managementdominance, imperium, predominance, sovereignty(also sovranty), supremacyprerogative, privilege, righteminence, importance, moment impotence, impotency, powerlessness helplessness, weakness in the 13th century |