例句 |
admonishmentnoun an opinion suggesting a wise or proper course of actionwintertime admonishments about remembering to wear a coat and hat adjuration, admonition, advice, counsel, guidance, input recommendation, suggestionhint, pointer, tipdata, feedback, informationanswer, solutionadvisement, consideration, thoughtalarm(also alarum), alert, caution, cautioning, expostulation, forewarning, remonstrance, remonstration, urging, warningjudgment(or judgement), observation, verdictassistance, briefing, coaching, direction, instruction, mentoring, priming, prompting, teaching, tutoringinterference, kibitzing(also kibbitzing), meddlingmoralizing, pontificating, preachingexhortation, lecture, lesson, sermon, speech the act or an instance of telling beforehand of danger or riskthat near miss with the guardrail was all the admonishment I needed to slow down admonition, alarm(also alarum), alert, caution, forewarning, heads-up, notice, warning auguring, augury, forecasting, foretelling, predicting, prediction, premonition, presaging, prognosticating, prophecy(also prophesy), prophesyingapprising, informing, notification, notifying, tip-offadvice, counsel, guidance, recommendation, suggestion, tipannouncement, declaration |