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relicnoun a tiny often physical indication of something lost or vanisheda crude stone ax and other relics of the Neanderthals echo, ghost, shadow, trace, vestige memento, remembrance, reminderartifactafterimage, aftertastebalance, corpse, hangover, leftover, oddment, remainder, remnant, scrapdreg(s), leavings, remain(s), residual, residue, rest something belonging to or surviving from an earlier periodin my grandparents' attic are many "groovy" relics from the 1960s one that has passed the peak of effectiveness or popularityhis courtly manners marked him as a relic of a more refined and formal era dinosaur, has-been dodo, fogy(also fogey), fossil, old-timerfuddy-duddy, mossback, stick-in-the-mud, stodge(British), troglodytethrowback comer, rising star, up-and-comer relics pl.a dead bodythough it is believed that missionary died in New Guinea, his relics have never been found bones, cadaver, carcass, corpse, corpus, corse(archaic), remains, stiff mummycarnage, carrionashesdeceased, decedent in the 13th century |