例句 |
emphasizingverbpresent participle of emphasize to indicate the importance of by centering attention onsupermarket tabloids that emphasize sensational news stories accenting, accentuating, featuring, foregrounding, highlighting, illuminating, playing up, pointing (up), pressing, punctuating, stressing focusing(also focussing), identifying, pinpointing, spotlightingadvertising, boosting, plugging, promoting, publicizingoverplaying bearing down on, making much of de-emphasizing, playing down toning (down), underemphasizing, understatingbelittling, discounting, disparaging, minimizing to make more apparentthat huge belt buckle only emphasizes his big gut accentuating, bringing out, italicizing, stressing, underlining, underscoring amplifying, beefing (up), boosting, reinforcing(also reenforcing), strengtheningaugmenting, deepening, enhancing, enlarging, heightening, magnifying, maximizing, supplementingenlivening, jazzing (up) de-emphasizing decreasing, diminishing, lessening, minimizing, reducing, subduing, toning (down), understating, weakening |