例句 |
emptinessnoun a need or desire for foodthe emptiness that usually sets in about three o'clock in the afternoon appetite, belly, famishment, hunger, munchies, stomach rapaciousness, rapacity, ravenousness, voraciousness, voracitymalnutrition, starvation, undernourishmentcraving, sweet toothfamine, fast, hunger strikegluttony, gourmandism, greed, hoggishness inappetence fill, fullness, glut, repleteness, repletion, satiation, satiety, satisfaction, surfeit empty spacethere in the vast emptiness of the desert was a long-abandoned jeep black hole, blank, blankness, vacancy, vacuity, void nothingnessinane, vacuumair, open, wastebareness, barrenness, bleakness, desolateness, hollownesscavity, gap, hole, hollow fullness(also fulness), repleteness the quality or state of being emptythe emptiness of the interior of the isolated house just made it seem all the more eerie bareness, vacancy, vacantness, vacuity hollownessblankness, vacuum, voidnothingnessbarrenness, bleakness, desolatenessavailability, clearness, opennessdepletion, dryness, exhaustion fullness(also fulness) completenessabundance, fatness, repleteness |