例句 |
enactmentnoun a rule of conduct or action laid down by a governing authority and especially a legislatureas a result of an enactment by Congress, this breathtaking canyon will be permanently protected from development act, bill, constitution, law, ordinance, statute command, commandment, decree, dictate, directive, edict, fiat, rulingbylaw, ground rule, regulation, ruleamendment, legislationcommon law, martial lawblue lawprohibition, proscription, restrictioncanon, capitulary, encyclical higher law the doing of an actionthe enactment of the crime is suggested but never actually shown on screen accomplishment, achievement, commission, discharge, execution, fulfillment(or fulfilment), implementation, performance, perpetration, prosecution, pursuance dispatch, expeditionadministration, direction, handling, managementapplication, operation, practice(also practise) nonfulfillment, nonperformance in 1792 |