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encounternoun a brief clash between enemies or rivalssurvived an encounter with the school bully at the local park brush, hassle, run-in, scrape, skirmish argument, fight, quarrel, row, spat, squabble, tiffbattle, brawl, fray, wrangle encounterverbto come upon face-to-face or as if face-to-facequite unexpectedly encountered our next-door neighbor while vacationing in Europe catch, chance (upon), happen (upon), meet, stumble (upon) accost, confrontface, greet, salutecollide (with), crash (into)crisscross, cross, passhit (upon), light (upon), tumble (to)reencounter, remeet bump into, cross paths (with), run across, run into, run upon avoid, dodge, duck, elude, escape, evade, shake, shun to come upon unexpectedly or by chancewe encountered a host of unforeseen problems during the restoration of our 200-year-old house chance (upon), find, happen (on or upon), hit (upon), light (on or upon), meet, pitch (upon), stumble (on or onto), tumble (upon) luck (out, on, onto, or into)confront, facediscover, strike, turn up bump into, come across, run across, run against, run into, run upon to enter into contest or conflict withthe troops encountered bands of guerrilla fighters as they made their way across the desert battle, engage, face, meet, take on emulate, rivalcontend, fight, oppose elude, escape, evaderetreat in the 14th century |