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endearingadjective having qualities that tend to make one lovedyou have to wonder about people who don't find kittens and puppies endearing adorable, darling, dear, disarming, lovable(also loveable), lovesome, precious, sweet, winning, winsome embraceable, kissablebeloved, cherished, favored, favorite, loved, treasuredattractive, beautiful, desirable, lovelyalluring, appealing, captivating, charming, enchanting, engaging, entrancing, fascinating, fetchingadmirable, likable(or likeable), reputable, respectableaffable, agreeable, cheerful, cordial, friendly, genial, good-natured, good-tempered, gracious, kind, nice, pleasantdelightful, pleasing, well-disposed abhorrent, abominable, detestable, hateful, loathsome, odious, unlovable unlovedcontemptible, disagreeable, disgusting, distasteful, heinous, horrible, lousy, nasty, offensive, unlikable, unpleasant, wretchedfrightful, grotesque, hideous, ill-favored, monstrous, ogreish, repellent(also repellant), repugnant, repulsiveugly, unattractive, unsightly, vileappalling, awful, dreadful, foul, horrendous, horrid, nauseating, noisome, obnoxious, obscene, revolting, scandalous, shocking, sickening likely or intended to win one's affectionhis impish sense of humor is one of his more endearing traits disarming, ingratiating, insinuating, winning, winsome adorable, charming, likable(or likeable), lovable(also loveable)affecting, poignant, touchingadulatory, deferential, effusive, flattering, fulsome, groveling(or grovelling), kowtowing, obsequious, servile, sycophanticdrooling, oleaginous, slavering, slobberingsaccharine, soapy, sugary, unctuous unendearing, uningratiating alienating, disaffecting, displeasingrepugnant, repulsivearrogant, disdainful, haughty, insolent, proud, scornful endearingverbpresent participle of endearto cause (someone) to be loved or admired by (someone or something)They endeared themselves to the whole town. ingratiatingadulating, belauding, blarneying, buttering up, flattering, hero-worshipping(also hero-worshiping), honeying, massaging, overpraising, puffing, soft-soaping, strokingblandishing, cajoling, coaxing, sweet-talking, wheedlingfawning, kowtowing, sucking (up to), toadyingidolizing, worshipping(also worshiping)eulogizing, extolling, lauding, praisingapplauding, commending, complimentingcongratulating, felicitatingdrooling, gushing, slavering, slobberingcourting, romancing, wooing bad-mouthing, belittling, decrying, depreciating, disparaging, putting down in 1766 |