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endorsementnounalso indorsement an indication that someone or something is favorable, acceptable, or satisfactoryAn endorsement from a star athlete made the sneaker brand more popular than ever before. backing, cachet, finalization, formalization, homologation, nod, ratification, rubber stamp, sanction, support, thumbs-up, voteapprobation, approval, blessing, favor, imprimatur, OK(or okay)benediction, goodwillacceptation, accession, agreement, assent, concurrence, consentcountenance, liking, satisfaction refusal, rejection, repudiationdisapprobation, disapproval, disfavorobjection, oppositiondislike, dissatisfactioncensure, condemnation, criticism, denunciation, deprecation, depreciation, disparagement, opprobrium, reprehension, reproach, reprobation a person's name written in their own handwriting on the back of a checkThe bank teller politely reminded me that the check needed my endorsement. autograph, hand, John Hancock, signaturefrank, markcountersign in 1547 |