例句 |
endueverbor indue to cause (as a person) to become filled or saturated with a certain quality or principleprofessional soldiers endued with an ironclad sense of duty and honor imbue, inculcate, infuse, ingrain(also engrain), inoculate, invest, steep, suffuse animate, charge, enliven, invigorate, leavenimplant, instill, plantimpregnate, permeate, pervade, saturatedeluge, drown, fill, flood, inundate, overwhelm, submerge deprive, divest, stripclear, emptyeliminate, remove, take (away) to furnish freely or naturally with some power, quality, or attributeshe's always been endued with an unquenchable optimism bless, endow, favor, gift, invest equip, provide, supplybestow (on or upon), clothe, confer (on), coveraccord, award, grantempower, enable, enhance, enrich, heightenbequeath, will dispossess, divest, stripdeplete, drain, exhaustskimp, stint in the 15th century |