例句 |
religionnoun a body of beliefs and practices regarding the supernatural and the worship of one or more deitiesthe Jewish religion has followers in many parts of the globe credo, creed, cult, faith, persuasion church, communion, denomination, sectdoctrine, dogma, theologydeism, heathenism, monotheism, paganism, pantheism, polytheism, theism agnosticism, know-nothingismatheism, godlessness, nonbelief, secularism, unbelief belief and trust in and loyalty to Godwithout his religion, he would not have been able to survive all the difficulties he has faced over the years devotion, faith, piety devoutness, piousness, religiousnessadoration, reverence, veneration, worshipprofession, protestation atheism, godlessness disbelief, doubt, unbelief, unfaithagnosticism, know-nothingismapostasy, lapse, tergiversation in the 13th century |