例句 |
feudnoun a long and angry conflict between two people or two groupsThe workers' feud with management concerns health benefits and pay increases. Because of a family feud, they did not see each other for a decade. vendettaargument, altercation, argle-bargle(chiefly British), argy-bargy(chiefly British), battle royal, bicker, brawl, contretemps, controversy, cross fire, disagreement, dispute, donnybrook, falling-out, fight, hassle, imbroglio, kickup, misunderstanding, quarrel, rhubarb, row, scrap, set-to, spat, squabble, tiff, wrangleclash, run-in, skirmish, tangle, tusslelogomachyattack, contention, dissension(also dissention)debate, difference, disputationfuss, objection, protest, protestationaffray(chiefly British), fisticuffs, fracas, fray, free-for-all, melee(also mêlée)catfight in the 15th century |