例句 |
fewsnounpl. of few a small numbera few of the songs on the album are good, but most are forgettable couples, handfuls(also handsful), scatterings, scatters, smatterings, smatters, sprinkles, sprinklings minoritiesatoms, crumbs, fragments, grains, iotas, jots, modicums, molecules, particles, scraps, shreds, tittles, whits armies, crowds, flocks, gazillions, hordes, hosts, jillions, kazillions, legions, loads, many, mountains, multitudes, oodles, scads, thousands, zillions majorities, mostsabundances, excesses, plenties, surplusesdeals, gobs, heaps, lots, masses, much, pecks, piles, plenitudes, plenties, pots, profusions, quantities, rafts, reams, slathers, slews, stacks, wads, wealths |