例句 |
tidbitnounalso titbit something that is pleasing to eat because it is rare or a luxurygave her an expensive box of chocolate tidbits bit, cate(archaic), dainty, delectable, delicacy, goody(or goodie), kickshaw, treat, viand morselcandy, dessert, junket, sweet, sweetmeat a small piece or quantity of foodI'll just have a tidbit of the dessert, nothing too big bite, morsel, mouthful, nibble, nugget, taste collop, medallion, noisettenosh, snackappetizer, canapé, hors d'oeuvrebit, chew, crumb, dab, dribble, driblet, fleck, hint, mote, nubbin, particle, pinch, scrap, scruple, shred, smidgen(also smidgeon or smidgin or smidge), snip, snippet, speck, spot, sprinkling, suspicion, tittle, touch, tracedash, droplap, lickgulp, swallow, swig ca. 1640 |