例句 |
adverts (to)verbpresent tense third-person singular of advert (to) to make reference to or speak about briefly but specificallywhen our hosts adverted to the lateness of the hour we took the hint, and prepared to leave cites, drops, instances, mentions, names, notes, notices, quotes, refers (to), specifies, touches (on or upon) alludes (to), hints (at), implies, indicates, infers, intends, intimates, suggestspoints (out), signals, signifiesdenominates, designatesindicatesbrings up, broaches, interjects, interpolates, interposes, introducesinfiltrates, insinuates, wormsadvertises, announces, broadcasts, declares, proclaims, pronounces, publicizes, publishes, soundsclarifies, clears (up), elucidates, explains, explicates, spells out disregards, forgets, ignores, neglects, overlooks, overpasses, passes over, slights |