

单词 affinity
例句 affinitynoun

a habitual attraction to some activity or thingalways had an affinity for nurturing living things

affection, aptitude, bent, bias, bone, devices, disposition, genius, habitude, impulse, inclination, leaning, partiality, penchant, predilection, predisposition, proclivity, propensity, tendency, turn

favor, one-sidedness, partisanship, prejudiceendowment, faculty, flair, gift, knack, talentaddiction, appetite, fancy, fondness, like, liking, preference, tasteforte, speciality, specialtyconvention, custom, habit, pattern, practice(also practise), routine, trick, way, wonteccentricity, idiosyncrasy, kink, oddity, peculiarity, quirk, singularity

allergy, averseness, aversion, disfavor, disinclination, dislike, disliking, disrelish, distastedetachment, impartiality, neutrality, objectivityapathy, disinterestedness, indifference, insouciance, nonchalance, unconcern

the fact or state of having something in commona study showing an affinity between obesity and socioeconomic status

association, bearing, connection, kinship, liaison, linkage, relation, relationship

correlation, interrelationmateriality, pertinence, relevancebond, link, tieaffiliation, alliance, unionidenticalness, samenessalikeness, community, likeness, resemblance, similarityaccordance, agreement, conformity, congruity, correspondence

variability, varianceincompatibility, incongruence, incongruity, incongruousness

attraction, affinity, sympathy mean the relationship existing between things or persons that are naturally or involuntarily drawn together.attraction implies the possession by one thing of a quality that pulls another to it.felt an attraction to dangeraffinity implies a susceptibility or predisposition on the part of the one drawn.an affinity for mathematicssympathy implies a reciprocal or natural relation between two things that are both susceptible to the same influence.two minds in sympathy

in the 14th century





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