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agenoun an extent of time associated with a particular person or thingthe Bronze Age marks the beginning of the use of metal by ancient peoples day, epoch, era, period, time cycle, generation, yearbit, space, span, spell, stretch, whiledate, vintage a long or seemingly long period of timeit took ages for the clerk to ring up three items aeon(or eon), blue moon, coon's age, cycle, donkey's years(chiefly British), eternity, forever, long, months, moon infinitylifetime flash, instant, jiffy, minute, moment, second, shake, split second, trice, twinkle, twinkling, winkmicrosecond, nanosecond a later period of one's lifestoically endures all of the aches and pains that come with age afterlife, afternoon, autumn, evening sunset, twilight, winteranecdotage, dotage, senilityelderliness, golden years, oldness, seniorityadulthood, majority, maturity, middle, middle age, midlife, ripeness springtime adolescence, youth the state of being an old personat 88, she gets frustrated by the feebleness that is inevitable with age agedness, ancientness, elderliness, maturity senectitudevenerablenessanecdotage, anility, caducity, dotage, second childhood, senescence, senilityfeebleness, infirmity youngness, youth freshness, prime, youthfulnessadolescence, immaturity, juvenility, minority, nonage the state of being something oldthe copper monument has acquired the patina of age agedness, ancientness, antiquity, hoariness antiquation, datedness, obsolescence, obsoleteness, old-fashionednessfustinessagelessness newness currency, currentness, freshness, modernity, modernness, novelty, recentness ageverbto become matureas your cat ages and becomes less active, you should change her diet develop, grow, grow up, mature, progress, ripen mellow, softenbloom, blossom, burgeon(also bourgeon), flourish, floweropen, unfoldadvance, evolveget along, get on, gray(also grey) decay, decline, degenerate, deteriorate, sink, worsendroop, dry, fade, flag, sag, shrivel, wane, waste (away), weaken, wilt, witherregress, retrogress, revertbackslide, lapse, return n.period, epoch, era, age mean a division of time.period may designate an extent of time of any length.periods of economic prosperity epoch applies to a period begun or set off by some significant or striking quality, change, or series of events.the steam engine marked a new epoch in industry era suggests a period of history marked by a new or distinct order of things.the era of global communications age is used frequently of a fairly definite period dominated by a prominent figure or feature.the age of Samuel Johnson in the 13th century |